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Frontline Research Group Limited

We are a research company with physical presence in the United Kingdom and Africa. Our Local teams in the different countries have good research experience in conducting survey-based research and also have good understanding of the local markets. We apply different research methodologies for data collection and we are delighted to serve you.

At Frontline Research Group Ltd, our clients are our main priority and we greatly value them. We make every effort to understand client needs so that we can serve them better and faster. We are accountable and transparent to our clients. We go beyond just research and offer our clients total quality and insights to enable them make appropriate business decisions.

FRG ltd applies the latest technology in data collection methodologies to offer our clients quick turnaround time and quality data.

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Contact 24/7

+44 7423022437 : +256 753 311 255

Data Collection Services

For all our clients who only need data without analysis, we give them high quality data. We have robust and dynamic teams across Africa and our data collection vision is to deliver quality and effective data services consistently. We apply tested, safe, agile and trusted methods to deliver reliable data to our clients.


African Coverage

We are able to cover over 35 countries across Africa.

Discounted Rates

FRG ltd recognises the need to operate efficiently which translates into low-cost charges and value for money to our clients.


Research Experience

Over 15 years for data collection experience across Africa using different methodologies.

Robust & Dynamic Field Teams

We have robust and experienced teams across Africa who are very familiar with the local markets.


One of the primary goals of FRG Ltd is to produce high-quality data and make it available for analysis in a coherent and reliable form.

FRG Ltd prioritises data quality and data privacy mainly to

  • Protect our client's confidentiality.
  • Maintain standard quality outputs.
  • For information security.
  • Comply with country legal requirements.
  • Internal efficiencies.

We apply very comprehensive processes and mechanisms to ensure that our clients' data is of best quality for them to make accurate business decisions.



We offer full CATI Services as well as telephone surveys, our teams have long terms hands on and practical experience in managing CATI calls and telephone surveys across the different business sectors

We observe data and service quality protocols, data privacy by applying the GDPR and through strictly observing the different markets data privacy industry standards.

Social Research Capabilities

Evaluation Research

Our evaluation services help our clients to address their policy challenges. Our approaches are customized to meet unique client needs

  • Process Evaluations
  • Impact Evaluations
  • Quasi-experimental research designs
  • Randomised Control trials
  • Statistical Evaluations

Governance & Public Policy Research

Our research is able to inform our clients about issues affecting society in various topics such as democracy and governance, rules and regulations, financial sector performance, Public policy, poverty levels, general society behavior and cultural diversities and media landscape.

Health & social care Research

We look at people’s health and wellbeing alongside the different health and social services requested, accessed and used by the people. We work with different stakeholders at different levels of government, NGOs and the general communities to support on policy and decision making. Our teams use different methodologies to ensure delivery of client needs and, in some cases, mixed methodologies are applied.

Trends  & syndicated Research

We offer trend and multi-client surveys over a broad range of topics, sectors and industries. 

Omnibus studies

We conduct market surveys where data on a wide variety of subjects is collected during the same interview. We do this for our multiple research clients who provide proprietary content for the survey, while sharing the common demographic data collected from each respondent.

Corporate reputation Research

Our research is able to provide organizations with insights and advice on reputation management. Our data supports our clients to identify the factors that build corporate reputation.

Employee  Relationship Studies

At frontline research group limited, we offer research for employee engagement and management. 

Opinion Polls

We offer Opinion polls studies for our clients. Our teams collect data where we get representative opinions of a population, and this is done by conducting a series of questions and then extrapolating generalities in ratio or within confidence intervals. 

Product /Concept Test Capabilities

Product Testing

We do research to analyse a product concept, feature or functionality to determine how potential customers may use or react to the product. we provide solutions to our clients based on real Insights from actual People who take part in product testing surveys. The product/concept tests are conducted to guide category appraisals, prototype screening, product fit, concept fit, product quality improvement and competitive benchmarking.

Market Research Capabilities

Brand Health Tracking

We offer research by tracking clients’ brand performance. Given the complex nature of people’s decision-making regarding brand choice, FRG ltd offers brand tracking surveys which provide client understanding of which features of brand experience, image and relationship matter to people when they make purchase decisions. FRG Ltd gives feedback to clients on brand strategy performance and how to grow their brands. 

Price Surveys & Mystery shopping

We provide accurate feedback from shoppers – to evaluate how our clients deliver on Brand and customer experience. Our surveys cut across markets, channels and touchpoints. In our price surveys, our clients are able to measure price competitiveness and accuracy across the market.

Consumer Surveys

We conduct consumer surveys which enable our clients to define growth objectives and to determine drivers of brand choice.

Channel Performance -Retail Audits, Retail Census.

Through our teams and the surveys, we conduct, we are able to understand channel size, consumer shopping behaviors and attitudes. We are able to measure purchase and service experience and then offer our client accurate, reliable and actionable insights

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Geographical Reach


Countries Covered

Uganda: Angola: Benin: Botswana: South Africa: Ivory Coast: Burkina Faso: Burundi: Cameroon: Central African Republic: Republic of the Congo: Democratic Republic of the Congo: Equatorial Guinea: Ethiopia: Gabon: The Gambia: Guinea-B: Lesotho: Liberia: Malawi: Mali: Mauritania: Mauritius: Namibia: Niger: Rwanda: Senegal: Sierra Leone: South Sudan: Sudan: Swaziland: Togo: Zimbabwe: Egypt.


Africa & The UK

We have physical presence in the United Kingdom and in Africa where we mainly do survey-based research. We have data collection capabilities in 35 African Countries and our teams have a long-term experience in research survey-based data collection. Our teams also have experience in applying different data collection methodologies and are all capable of using modern data collection technology.

Data Collection

Social & Market Research

Opinion polling, Corporate Reputation, Brand (tracking, awareness &positioning), Market assessment surveys, Product testing, customer satisfaction & Mystery shopping /visits, Knowledge Attitude & Perception surveys.


Quantitative and qualitative





Focus Group Discussions

Indepth Interviews

Contact us


+256 753 311 255

Colborn street

NG3 3AW.


© Copyright Frontline Research Group Ltd 2021



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